

Ever had a wine that made you… Today’s #SommelierSips post is truly the wine that will send you into orbit, if you’ve never experienced such a relationship with a grape! The winery:  Marqués de Griñón   Fun Winery Facts:  Marqués de Griñón wines are sourced from the prized Dominio de Valdepusa vineyard in Castilla-La Mancha. Valdepusa… Continue


Need a little pick me up before we head back into this Polar Vortex?  My god, will it ever end?! This week’s #VittlesandVino post, as promised, comes with a little local love as we feature a Minnesota Wine paired to a fun recipe for your weekend. I tried the recipe for the first time last… Continue


Sorry for the delay here, folks!  I’m a day behind on our weekly Wednesday #SommelierSips post.  However, with ALL of the wine homework I put forth yesterday (tasting from 11am – 10pm!), I’m locked and loaded for a TON of really cool new wines to give you!  Keep your eyes peeled for tomorrow’s #VittlesandVino post,… Continue

#ManicMondays with Chuck!

As many of you know, I have invited my dear friend Chuck Kanski, wine extraordinaire and owner of Solo Vino Wine Shop, to share his thoughts in a new column for Amusée called #ManicMondays with Chuck, featured the 3rd Monday of every month.  Today’s that day!  Always interesting, and ALWAYS entertaining, we LOVE Chuck’s passion… Continue


#VittlesandVino is here, peeps!  Friday is our day to load you up with a delicious (and easy) recipe for the weekend, along with a delicious new wine to pair to the piece. This week’s recipe comes after a class I put on last week at Cooks of Crocus Hill with my two Food/Libation Besties, Cooks… Continue


I’m really excited to announce today’s #SommelierSips as I just tried the wine for the very first time last night!  I thought it too good not to share with you all. The wine:  Cenyth ~ Sonoma County, California The name:  ‘Cenyth’ (pronounced sen-eth) is the ancient form of the word, zenith.  Deftly blending Bordeaux style… Continue

Upcoming Events…

Just because it’s cold and snowy outside, doesn’t mean you have to stay inside and pout about it?   We have plenty of events to keep you nice and warm this chilly winter season! Come join us for any number of our toasty Wine & Beer Events this January/February… January 27, Feb 3 & 10th:… Continue

Box Wine on the Fox 9 Morning News with Sommelier Leslee Miller!

This morning on the Fox 9 morning show, The Buzz, we took a look at a number of great BOX WINES (yes, box wine!) from around the globe. Taking a first hand look at box wines globally, where they’ve been, where they’re going and what’s best! From Spain, Portugal, Italy, Australia to the United States… Continue


Who says Box Wine is no good?   If you’re that person who shrivels up their nose when someone mentions the subject, I’m here to tell ya, you’ve got it all wrong. Box Wine is no longer the Franzia’s of the world, yet really delicious, quality wine, produced now in global variety of flavors. Tomorrow… Continue


PEOPLE.  It is one of the single most beautiful parts of my job.  One would think it the wine, the scenic vineyards you visit, or the amazing culinary experiences you’re constantly indulging upon on as a person of the wine industry.  While these are all A-MAZING perks to the job, my favorite part is still… Continue

#VittlesandVino Friday!

Hey Hey, it’s Friday again!  Time for a tasty recipe and wine pairing for your weekend fun from Amusée. This week I’ve selected a really tasty winter warmer for your weekend pleasure.  Because we are about to experience a Polar Vortex within the next few days in the Midwest, and the east coast is about… Continue