
Fox 9 Sangria Segment

Did you miss my Sangria Segment on Fox 9 this week? Check it out! Stay tuned, later this week we reveal the recipes to these super summer sippers and more on our new #SangriaForLife Pinterest page!  Each week, we’ll load in a number of new sangria recipes to keep your summer fresh with new ideas.… Continue

The Best Wines for your Memorial Day Weekend

The best wines for your Memorial Day Weekend Article by Marsha Trainer (City Pages) Friday ~ May 23, 2014  It’s finally balmy here in the Twin Cities, so this Memorial Day will mean picnics, grills, and all manner of outdoor eats. Of course, someone will show up with the obvious beverage choice — beer —… Continue

Super Summer Sippers for your Memorial Day Weekend

Summer is almost here and boy, it’s finally starting to feel like it.  Toasty weather means only one thing, MORE WINE! In the spirit of the holiday weekend, I thought I’d toss out some easy pairing tips while you’re loading your fridge up with foods & bevis for your weekend menus. Want the best grapes for… Continue

The Cheese Has Eyes

Tomorrow is the MN Cheesefest, are you coming? I’ll be there, talking about wine and cheese pairings, along with my pal, Michael Agnew of A Perfect Pint, speaking to beer/wine pairings.  There’s still time to buy a ticket, here! In honor of the festival and in true spirit this week, celebrating all things cheese, I thought… Continue

Dracula’s Castle for Sale!

Dracula’s Castle is For Sale!  Anyone? Okay, I know I know.  Completely unrelated to wine, but I couldn’t resist posting this.  I have a slight obsession with vampires, so I thought I’d share. There are a few wines on the market, by the way, linked to these blood thirsty heathens (if you’re interested).    … Continue

Sulfites Shmulfites…

It is an ongoing topic of discussion, even to this day.  Sulfites.  ARE they the cause of your ‘wine headache’ or are they coming from another source?  I ran across a lovely explanation of the subject written by Canadian gal pal, Natalie MacLean, so I thought I’d share. Sulfites in Wine: A Debate to Cause… Continue

Savor Minnesota

This past week I visited a small Minnesota winery located amongst the small and delightfully quaint streets of downtown Stillwater, Minnesota. My mission was to acquaint myself with the wines of the Northern Vineyards Winery so that I might select a wine or two for my upcoming pairings and presentations for the Minnesota Cheese Festival… Continue

Pantry Pairings

Doesn’t everyone eat Popcorn, Hummus and/or Pizza for dinner during the week?  (Or, is that just me?) Wine Pairings doesn’t always mean you’re pairing to the best made recipes or elaborate ingredients.  Sometimes selecting the right wine just means you’re pairing to how you feel, or what’s left over in the fridge on a Tuesday… Continue

Manic Mondays with The Chucker! A Guide to drinking The Pink.

The always lovely and oh so generous, Chuck Kanski of Solo Vino Wine Shop in St Paul, is back to share his monthly #ManicMondays post with Amusée!  This month chatting to one of my favorite wine topics…PINK!! Get the 4-1-1 on this delightful sipper with Chuck’s ‘Guide to Why You Like Pink Wine!’  So here’s… Continue

$100 Off your Next Amusée Event!

Our Spring Newsletter just went out and we’re offering those on our mailing list one CRAZY spring offer! $100 off your next event when you book for the months of April or May.   *Does not apply to events already scheduled.   Not on the mailing list to receive the coupon or the TASTY FINDS… Continue

Pin me!

I cannot stop pinning.  I’m obsessed with Pinterest.  I’m pretty sure you’re obsessed with Pinterest. Wait!  Aren’t we ALL obsessed with Pinterest?  Laying in bed late at night, pinning away.  Pinning from your desk allll day long.  Pinning when you’re supposed to be doing something else! Pinterest.  Businesses, big businesses, (Macys, LL Bean, Lowes) are… Continue

Miss my interview on 1500 ESPN Radio’s The Beer Show?

If you missed my interview on ESPN’s The Beer Show (April 3rd), don’t fret. I have it right here! Tune in to catch my interview with ESPN’s sports guy, Chris Reuvers.   What one BEER dude and one WINE chic chat about on air…