Thank you to our Sunday Sales Supporters!

MN Consumers First Alliance Responds to Disappointing Vote on Sunday Sales
St. Paul, Minn. (May 12, 2016) – Following today’s 56-70 vote in the Minnesota House of Representatives against Sunday sales of wine, beer and spirits in retail stores, the MN Consumers First Alliance issued the following statement:
“Today’s House vote is a huge disappointment to the majority of consumers across Minnesota who overwhelmingly support Sunday sales,” said Leslee Miller, spokesperson for the MN Consumers First Alliance. “Over the past several months, thousands of consumers took the time to contact their legislators urging an end to the state’s outdated prohibition against Sunday sales only to see the liquor lobbyists, yet again, stand in the way. As a result, Minnesota continues to lag behind all of our neighboring states – Wisconsin, Iowa and the Dakotas – that allow consumers to shop on Sundays. However, Sunday sales is an issue that won’t go away. With all 201 legislative seats up for election this year, we intend to keep raising Sunday sales and applying consumer pressure throughout the campaigns right through the election.”
“The MN Consumers First Alliance thanks those legislators who voted for Sunday sales,” added Miller. “We appreciate their support to side with consumers who want the convenience of shopping on Sundays.”
The MN Consumers First Alliance is a broad-based group of enlightened Minnesotans and companies that support pro-consumer policies and competition rather than protecting the liquor industry’s self-interests. Supporters of the coalition are committed to meeting and exceeding consumer expectations and to supporting competition. For more information, please visit