Sunday Spring Sips!

With the onset of this next week’s warmer temps, I’ve seen more social media posts from Minnesotans alike conjuring the idea of spring! I mean we are, after all, almost into March. A season that for many evokes a sense of adventure, awakes the senses, and allows us to imagine the warm summer sun-rays of the evolving season. For me, it’s a time when my palate begins to crave watermelon colored rosés, bright citric whites and those lightly chilled light bodied reds that pair to a collection of springtime grill eats. Wines that encompass the grapes: Gamay, Pinot Noir, Zweigelt & Schiava. Fresh, fun and delicious!
So after a long week of work, and a zillion household Saturday chores to accomplish, you wake up Sunday feeling refreshed and revived, ready to dive into your Sunday Fun! But wait. You suddenly realize it’s Sunday! Your favorite retail/bottle shops are closed on Sundays. Ugh! Your Sunday wine sipping plans are foiled! A problem that many Minnesotans face when the week gets too long with work, errands and household chores. One trip on Sunday, equipped with a grocery store run and to your favorite wine shop, would have been so easy. But instead, due to an outdated Minnesota law prohibiting residents from purchasing wine/beer/liquor at retail on Sundays, you’re forced to revise your Sunday plans. So you ask yourself…do I drive to Wisconsin to grab wine, or do I just forego my original menu plans with wine pairings? Frustrating.
Have you ever really thought about this ‘Sunday Sales’ issue from your perspective as a consumer?
The facts:
- Consumers deserve the convenience of shopping for wine, beer and spirits at stores on Sundays – just like they do for nearly everything else. With different work schedules, family activities and changing demographics, Sunday has emerged as the busiest shopping day of the week. So why aren’t retailers fighting to allow for Sunday Sales?
- The law prohibiting Sunday sales is 80 years out of date and out of touch with today’s consumer shopping preferences.
- Minnesota remains one of only 12 states in the country that still prohibits the sale of wine, beer and spirits in stores on Sundays. Even Minnesota’s neighbors – Wisconsin, Iowa and the Dakotas – allow Sunday sales.
From my perspective… I take this issue very seriously and as a local consumer, I’m frustrated with this issue, which is why I have most recently taken on the role as the MN Consumers First Alliance Spokesperson.
Who is ‘The MN Consumers First Alliance’?
• The MN Consumers First Alliance is a coalition of more progressive small and large, liquor retailers and grocery stores and others who are on the side of wanting to meet consumer expectations and demand.
• The strongest element of the MN Consumers First Alliance and its ‘Why Not Sundays?’ effort is the thousands of consumers in Minnesota who have contacted their legislators urging them to support Sunday sales.
Do Minnesotans really want Sunday sales? Yes!
- Public opinion surveys have found a majority of Minnesotans support changing the law to allow Sunday sales.
- There is overwhelming support for Sunday sales among those who purchase/consume wine, beer and spirits.
Feel the same?
Instead of allowing the state to decide how and when you buy your wine, beer and spirits, take a stand and join in on the conversation with us!
Don’t let another Sunday’s plans change because of life’s busy schedule. Consumers deserve the convenience of shopping for wine, beer and spirits at stores on Sundays.
Contact your legislator today HERE, and use your voice to support our cause for opening the state up to ‘Sunday Sales’, and enjoy this spring season barbequing, grilling, and relaxing like a Minnesotan should!
The thousands of consumers who contacted legislators last year almost made Sunday sales happen – let’s make 2016 the year our voices get heard!
Comments 2
It is time to pull Minnesota in to the 21st Century. Get out of the Puritan Age.
I agree, Scott! Thanks for your comment. Let’s come together to make this the year that we pass Sunday Sales!