
So long, farewell!

Once again, Brett Favre has stuck it to the American public.  Laughing his tail off all the way to the bank with his new contract with Sears, media hits left and right, and with a name googled more times than Michael Jackson right now – I hate to say this to you Vikings Fans – I TOLD… Continue

Martinelli Winery and a visit from the family

Martinelli Winery, with five generations deep of family wine growing, the Martinellis are a family held to their roots by tradition, sincerity and quality.  While on her short visit to the mid west, I had an opportunity to visit with daughter Regina Martinelli of her family’s ancestral wine making roots. Just to get down to the… Continue

Shake + Bake, I’m back from my blogging hiatus!

As summer is full in swing and almost more than half over!, my travels and ventures have taken me away from my writings.  With lots to share on comparison tastings, fun + exciting trips to Aspen, and many new food ventures – I’m ready to divulge all that has been scribbled on countless scraps of paper, bar napkins… Continue

Smith & Hook Central Coast Cabernet

Homework, homework…hard life, but someone’s got to do it. Tonight, it’s a bottle that I picked up at my new favorite bottle shop in Minnetonka – corner of Hwy 169 and Shady Oak Rd, in between Eden Prairie and Minnetonka – a spot called Pairings Food & Wine Market   About the coolest couple of peeps… Continue

Shocking American Idol

If you missed the last episode to American Idol, well then you may want to order a couple bottles of bubbly and watch it with someone who taped it. Un-freekin’-believable is the only thing I can say.  Embarrassed to admit, I watched the entire season only to be shocked with the season’s finale. While the… Continue

Rosé Revival

Survival of the fittest they say, right?  Well, only the strong drink pink is what I say!  Here we are again, another spring season and another vintage struggling to make folks understand in the great state of Minnesota – just how lovely PINK can be.  I watch as some of my favorite wine shops pile… Continue

Weekend Homework – some good, some bad.

I know, I know – my homework sounds awful doesn’t it?  Sitting around drinking wine and wondering how I’ll write up my next evaluation?  Sometimes it takes more than one glass to get the descriptions rolling but once they do – look out! This weekend, I visited a local bottle shop in Bloomington – MGM… Continue

Class at Cooks raised a glass to all Mommas!

Saturday, May 8th – celebrated Mother’s Day early with a room full of wonderful folks raising a glass of vino to their moms.  I taught a class at Cooks of Crocus Hill on Grand Avenue in St Paul that celebrated one of the best groups of people – our moms. With almost 50 peeps in attendance,… Continue

Dear Brett…

Dear Brett, Words cannot explain the anguish that you continue to dish onto your once, very loyal ‘Packer Nation’. Spoken as a true Packer fan and born and raised in a state where the blood of a Wisconsin native only runs the colors of green and gold – I am heartbroken. We lived for years… Continue

Childress – Stick to racing cars, please

Richard Childress, hot rod on the NASCAR circuit, is just another case in point as to those who should stick to their profession, the one that made them money!  Not, wine making. Seriously, take a look at this guy – really?  Obviously has time to safari hunt, why would he waste time sinking his money… Continue

Girls Gone Wine!

After two fun Amusée events with Jen T and her pals, I promised the gals that I give a ‘shout out’ for time well spent during our last two diva wine parties.  Jen, who became a fan of Amusée after taking a couple of classes at Cooks of Crocus Hill with me, loves to let… Continue