Best ‘Wine Based’ Drinks at the MN State Fair 2021

My goodness, if you missed this week’s Jason Show segment featuring my list of the MN State Fair’s BEST WINE BASED DRINKS — you’re about to get a good chuckle!
Jason + I always have an amazing time at the fair, but this year…well, you tell me who had a better time in this segment. 😂
Take a Look 👇🏻
Drinks included:
The Lemons Tini from The Hideway (Grandstand)
The Rosé Spritzer (Blue Barn)
The Red Wine Spritzer (French Crepes Stand)
Mango Slushie (MN Wine Country)
Leslee’s very own ‘Best Wine Based’ drink — Manny’s Piña Colada (food building) combined with a glass of Parley Lake’s ‘Lake View White’ (MN Wine Country)