Women’s History Month just got better with this MN Lady Winemaker

Of course we could not be more proud to celebrate our band of sisterhood amidst the month of March with Women’s History Month. From the women who paved the way before us when it came to our professions, dreams + rights to the women who continue to inspire us to grow + believe in ourselves, our worth + our value, I could not be more grateful for the family of women I call friends, sisters, colleagues + mentors. While there should never be just one month for celebrating our strength + solidarity, I am always so damn proud to use the month to show off handfuls of amazing women amongst my industry.
Of course the world of wine is broad. I spend oodles of time teaching, hi-lighting + urging consumers to try it all — from every grape, corner of the globe to every style. In general, I teach the ‘if you like this, then you’ll love this’ — encouraging wine enthusiasts to sip a wide variation of grape varietals. The regions range from new to old world, from gulp-able to serious and from every price-point. But there is really only one wine-growing region that I LOVE watching folks truly discover for the very first time. And when I say ‘discover’, I say this from a non-biased, blindly tasted interpretation.
Here’s how it goes: ‘Oh, I don’t like Minnesota wines because they’re … sweet, taste different, not from grapes I know, etc.’
I have worked as a spokesperson for the MN wine industry for over a decade, proving to consumers over + over that the wines that are out there (with almost 80 wineries in the state) are more like the ‘other’ wines you may already drink on a weekly basis. And when I put them in a BLIND line up with other world class regions from Germany, France, US + beyond, I have proven over and over again, that folks really DO like Minnesota wine + that it has its place amongst the worldwide stage of wine. Sure, the grapes are not what you’re used to. And, you may have tasted one or two that did not wet your whistle. But, no they are NOT all sweet. They are NOT all made the same. And that there is some serious talent out there when it comes to the wines in my own backyard. In fact, my favorites are never those that are made with CA, WA or any other state’s wines, but of the state’s original cold hardy varietals.
When speaking to a friend recently from the MN wine industry, he said, have you had any of winemaker, Josie Boyle’s, wines from Mousse Sparkling Wine Company? Embarrassingly, I had not. Of course, he instantly brought up that I had just hi-lighted handfuls of Intl. Female Winemakers in a recent post with my company, Sip Better for Women’s History Month and said ‘This is who you should be hi-lighting!’
Being amongst the scene, I have known Josie for years + knew of her dedication to making good wine.
So I gave her a ring, received a few bottles + this is what I thought…
Cheers to you, Lady Winemakers…from EVERY corner of the GLOBE!