How to Select Wine from a Restaurant Wine List

Is selecting wine from a restaurant list an intimidating task? How WOULD you go about picking wine for a large group of people at a restaurant whether you’re with friends, family or colleagues? What DO you actually do when the server comes back with the wine? Smell the cork, taste the wine? What ARE some of the BEST grapes for pairing to a wide variation of entrees?
Last week on The Jason Show, Jason Matheson + Leslee got down to brass tacks on the subject — here are your answers!
Here’s a listing with a few of the grapes we mentioned, and an opportunity to have them sent directly to your home for your next dinner party!
Best white grapes for pairing to a large crowd: Pinot Gris + Viognier (We LOVE the grape Pinot Blanc to match this category, too!)
Best red grapes for pairing to a wide variation of cuisines + main entrees: Pinot Noir, Gamay, Barbera, Grenache/Syrah from Cotes du Rhone, Cabernet Franc