Wines that Pair to Pickled Foods & their Recipes

As a regular contributor to Cambria Style magazine, I am always so excited to see each season’s new edition the first day that it hits the shelf. This season’s issue featuring Cover Girl, Kathy Ireland, is nothing short of stunning! Featuring a number of unique products, places and best of all – eat and drinks – I teamed up this month with my pal Stephanie Meyer, of Fresh Tart, to talk pickling and wine pairing.
Old school rules say it can’t be done? Think again. Starting on page 38, Stephanie creates a number of recipes that include some pickled goodies, as I show you what wine pairs to them all. Don’t stop there, as we dive into the World of Bloody Marys and their pickled accoutrements on the following pages. Filled with lots of fun tips, twists and recipes for your next Bloody Mary party, you won’t want to miss this!
Bon Appetit!